About Terra Brasil
Located in the region of Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais, Terra Brasil Project is in the heart of Brazilian agriculture. The ideal location to supply the growing domestic and foreign demand for phosphate-based fertilizers.

With estimated reserves of over 1 billion tonnes of phosphate, Terra Brazil venture is not only a mining project. It is a major Brazilian reserve of phosphate.

Macro geological region of Patrocínio
Serra do Salitre
Cerrado region
The company and the Shareholders


The company has a simplified shareholding structure. The existing shareholders have already made significant investments in prospecting and geological mapping of the area and are looking for investors who can add capital and expertise to the project. The geology report, Business Plan and other documents may be accessed by qualified investors who are interested in participating in the project, after signing NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement).

Contact: contato@terrabrasilfertilizantes.com
Tel: +55 31 3226-4217

Environment, Sustainability and Governance

  Terra Brasil Fertilizantes is a company committed to social and environmental sustainability and with the rules of the current governance in the country and is committed to working to ensure that their operations are within the best international standards. In order to strengthen the company's good practices, Terra Brasil Fertilizantes is a signatory and adopts the Responsible Investment Principles (Principles for Responsible Investment) promoted by the United Nations Environment Programme.

Also in this line, Terra Brasil Fertilizantes is committed to hiring and training local labor and confirm that will work to improve the living conditions of the community where it operates.

In the environmental field, our activities do not intake water from rivers or from streams and do not produce significant waste, and carrying a small impact on the environment and a low risk of accidents.
Rua Rio Grande do Norte, 1289 - Sala 304
Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais

(37) 3226-4217
Terra Brasil Fertilizantes - Desenvolvido por Oberdan.com